During first meetings with the client, we discuss key regulatory aspects, business motivation, and the current ESG status of the company. On this basis, we analyze ESG gaps and transformation needs. This allows you to prepare an individual offer that responds to the actual needs of the company.
ESG workshop
Preparation of the ESG needs matrix
Analysis of the current state
Preparation of an ESG gap and risk analysis
Preparation of an individual offer
One of the most important elements of the ESG process is appropriate information management. Therefore, a key element of the process is data preparation. As part of the preparatory work, we help assemble all ESG data, working with the Board and Departments to provide all key indicators and source data. We assess the completeness and quality of the data.
Collection of indicators and source data
Help in automating processes
Coordination of the data acquisition process
Data quality and preparedness assessment
Preparation of ESG analysis
The next step on the way to the Green Transformation (ESG) of the company is to develop a 3-5 year ESG strategy.
Determining the expected goals and indicators, mainly climate ones, is the basis for starting the process of decarbonization of the company, which is long-term, requires investment outlays and changes in business processes in the company.
The model for preparing the ESG Strategy developed by CarboRating assumes the determination of initial ESG indicators and the place where the company would like to be in 3 to 5 years. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine how intensive the transformation strategy should be, what the estimated costs of the process will be and how to achieve the assumed ESG goals most effectively in the next 3-5 years.
Workshops on the preparation of ESG strategies
Preparation of an ESG risk matrix
Method for mitigating identified risks
Determination of key ESG indicators (3-5 years)
The company’s transformation strategy
Preparation of Enterprise ESG strategies
A very important element from the perspective of data management is the implementation of dedicated IT solutions for monitoring, collecting data and managing the ESG process. As an optimal solution,
CarboRating proposes the implementation of an innovative ESG SaS platform that automates most of the processes related to data collection, managing the process of receiving and updating data and, above all, generating Dashboards and ESG monitoring. CarboRating supports the company throughout the integration process, thanks to which the implementation of new procedures also means the implementation of process automation tools, which significantly mitigates the effects of implementation and facilitates the transformation.
Dedicated IT platform – ESG SaaS
Automation of data collection processes
Automation of the calculation of ESG indicators
Automation of part of the ESG report
Implementation of the ESG SaaS platform
The main element of the process is the preparation of ESG reports, which are now becoming a regulatory requirement in the EU. The introduced regulations significantly increase the scope of the reporting obligation. At the same time, the introduced changes in the field of CBAM and Scope 3 reporting require more and more entities to submit ESG Reports.
Along with the preparation of the ESG Strategy, one can refer to the current state, the level of implementation of indicators and the adopted assumptions and practices. It is worth noting that the content of the ESG Report is the main component of the assessment of compliance with the ESRS, GRI or ESG Rating. Therefore, proper documentation of all ESG-related aspects is crucialthe Company's point of view. It is based on ESG Reports that financial institutions or institutional investors currently make credit/investment decisions, also due to the TCFD regulation.
Workshop on the preparation of ESG Reports
Consulting and supervision over the data collection process
Performing the necessary calculations, including Scope 3 CO2 footprint mapping
Preparation of the ESG Report along with graphic design
Preparation of Reports utilizing both EU and Global standards
An important step before implementing ESG investments, in particular related to energy and the implications to company’s carbon footprint, requires in-depth analyses, business planning and financial analysis. Based on the current indicators (ESG Report) and the adopted ESG Strategy, a detailed Business Plan for the project is only then developed, i.e. the ESG Transformation Strategy.
CarboRating provides consulting, support and advice throughout the entire ESG transformation process. We help both in obtaining alternative energy sources, optimizing the supply chain, but also offer solutions in the field of ESG Due Diligence. Thanks to this, it is possible to prioritize projects in order to develop the optimal transformation path.
Prioritize ESG projects to achieve KPIs
Preparation of detailed Business Plans
Support in the ESG technology transfer process
Securing green energy sources
ESG Due Diligence, i.e. supply chain analysis
The last element is the implementation of the ESG Transformation in the client's enterprise. CarboRating helps in managing and supervising the entire Enterprise Transformation process. From strategy to implementation of key technologies. We also cooperate with a wide range of research institutes, thanks to which we offer access to many key innovations.
At the same time, our team of experts has many years of experience in the field of emissions trading, investments, as well as in the energy sector. That is why we can help in sourcing green energy supply, and in implementing low- and zero-emission technologies. At the same time, at every stage from design to implementation, we take into account ESG indicators to minimize client’s carbon footprint.
Green Technology Transfer
Support in the implementation of Green Technologies
Carbon footprint reduction
Renewable energy sources
Access to modern technologies